Scrap Processing
AMG is one of the world’s largest recyclers of scrap metal, ranking among the United States’ 10 largest ferrous scrap processors and the world’s 20 largest multinational scrap processors according to Recycling Today. AMG processes more than 1,000,000 tons of scrap annually at its 12 facilities in the United States and United Kingdom. AMG collects industrial scrap and obsolete scrap, processes it into reusable forms and supplies the recycled metals to its customers, including integrated steel mills, electric arc furnaces, foundries and secondary smelters. AMG handles all major scrap grades, and its processed ferrous products include bundled, shredded and sheared scrap metal, in addition to other purchased scrap metal, such as turnings and cast iron. AMG also produces a number of specialty and known-analysis products that cater to the particular needs of its customers, including detinned steel bundles, coolant scrap and tin ingots. AMG takes particular pride in devising solutions to efficiently recycle lesser grades of scrap by developing new processing technologies and finding new uses for such scrap, often using AMG-designed and AMG-patented processes and equipment.
Railcar Dismantling
AMG entered the railcar dismantling business in 2008 with its acquisition of Midwest Steel & Alloy, Inc, which had more than 40 years of experience dismantling railcars of every type. Midwest Steel & Alloy operates a 50-acre facility in Youngstown, Ohio that is able to accept shipments of up to 100 railcars and is serviced by both the CSXT and NS railroads. AMG has also expanded its railcar dismantling capabilities to its Gary, Ind. facility, which is serviced by the CN and IHB railroads. AMG also has a fully-equipped mobile unit for on-site railcar dismantling at derailment sites and other locations where such service may be required.
AMG is the world’s largest detinner of tinplate scrap. AMG buys scrap generated by canmakers and other users of tinplate and, through chemical and electrolytic processes, separates the tin content from the steel at its detinning facilities in Baltimore, Md. and Llanelli, U.K. After the tin is removed, the detinned steel is baled into 20” x 20” x variable length bundles that can be freely substituted for No. 1 bundles. Once separated from the steel content, the recovered tin is refined to 99.98% purity — the purest commercial tin available in the world. The resulting tin ingots are sold to tin mills and other users of tin, and any resulting tin dross is sold to secondary smelters, who are able to further refine the material.