Products & Services
Scrap Metal
AMG is one of the world’s largest recyclers of scrap metal, ranking among the United States’ 10 largest ferrous scrap processors and the world’s 20 largest multinational scrap processors according to Recycling Today. AMG and its affiliates have 11 processing facilities and 18 commercial offices in the United States, as well as one processing facility and one commercial office in the United Kingdom.
Scrap Marketing
AMG is one of the largest scrap brokers in the United States and United Kingdom. With 18 commercial offices throughout the United States, in addition to a European office in Birmingham, U.K., AMG is tapped into markets throughout the country and the world. In addition to brokering scrap, AMG’s commercial group has a wealth of experience importing pig iron and other scrap substitutes.
Scrap Processing
AMG processes more than 1,000,000 tons of scrap annually at its 12 facilities in the United States and United Kingdom. AMG collects industrial scrap and obsolete scrap, processes it into reusable forms and supplies the recycled metals to its customers, including integrated steel mills, electric arc furnaces, foundries and secondary smelters. AMG handles all major scrap grades, and its processed ferrous products include bundled, shredded and sheared scrap metal, in addition to other purchased scrap metal, such as turnings and cast iron. AMG also produces a number of specialty and known-analysis products that cater to the particular needs of its customers, including detinned steel bundles, coolant scrap and tin ingots. AMG takes particular pride in devising solutions to efficiently recycle lesser grades of scrap by developing new processing technologies and finding new uses for such scrap, often using AMG-designed and AMG-patented processes and equipment.
Scrap Management
For generators and consumers of scrap metal, the scrap industry can often be difficult to navigate due to frequently volatile markets, a diverse base of processors and dealers and its uniquely entrepreneurial spirit. For such businesses, which are directly part of the scrap “food chain” but not involved in the scrap industry on a day-to-day basis, AMG’s experience can prove to be an invaluable asset.
For scrap generators, AMG develops and manages scrap programs focused on obtaining the greatest value for the scrap generated and making the scrap disposal function as efficient as possible within customers’ existing operations. AMG’s scrap-management customers include some of the largest consumers of steel in the United States and Europe.
For steelmakers, AMG works with melt shops and purchasing departments to design optimized purchase plans, identify and qualify scrap suppliers, coordinate transportation logistics and perform of scrap chemistry analyses. AMG is experienced at working with a wide range of steelmakers, from large integrated steel mills to smaller specialty foundries and melt shops.
Prime & Secondary Steel
AMG sells and brokers a wide variety of excess prime, secondary and other useable grades of non-prime steel, including master coils, pup coils, sheets, slit coils, tube, plates and cobble, to consumers worldwide.
Counterweights & Steel Fabrications
International Steel & Counterweights manufactures steel counterweights, fabrications and weldments and sells excess prime and secondary steel plate as is or cut to order. ISC’s counterweights and fabrications are used in a wide variety of applications by manufacturers of heavy equipment, elevators, drilling rigs, locomotives, theatrical stage curtains, party tents, grills and other products.
What makes International Steel & Counterweights unique is its ability to leverage its relationships with steelmakers and steel service centers to obtain low-cost raw materials, which enables it to produce high-quality parts at low prices. ISC is proud to service customers both big and small — from some the country’s biggest equipment makers, such as JLG Industries, Terex, Otis Elevator and KONE, to smaller manufacturers and users of steel plate.